Lessons Learned

My reflection lied to you, you could not see or acknowledge my pain. You failed to catch so many tears… Now I leave you behind, never to return. … am I fool? There is no replacing your losses and I can’t understand the reason I continue to try? A wounded dove, poised to fly - your tears fall silent, as if never shed at all. I have learned nothing, except how to hurt you more… you weep... “What is the lesson to learn”? Whether it was to praise my photos, blogs, ideas or to set me straight when I got so full of myself, so many of you have helped me when I needed it, -AND- more importantly, when I didn’t think I needed. Here are some of the biggest Lessons I have learned: I am not the Transgender Messiah (Thanks JamieGottaGun) I am not re-inventing the wheel. (Thanks Gloria Fenton) Transition is NOT “All about me”. (Thanks Karissa Marrie) Never make anyone a priority that has only made me an option. (inspiration of thought thanks to Joe Solmonese of HRC) Just because s...