We are the Creators

Leucotea Con Dionisio
We are the creators. Natural law is our medium. Patience, courage, and belief are the colors we need to create the world we truly want.
Do I believe the world I long for is out of my control and beyond my power to change? Or do I believe the world I long for is possible and that my efforts to create such a world will prevail?
How many times have we seen one small person change the world?
”The Universe only says “Yes” to whatever we’re thinking. Yes, come unto me this thing I Want, and Yes, come unto me this thing I Don’t Want. We attract whatever we choose to give our attention to whether it is Wanted or UN-Wanted.”
~ Abraham-Hicks
~ Abraham-Hicks
Dear Amara,
Thank you for this uplifting sentiment. I agree wholeheartedly. All change begins with one small person, then another, then another... without that begining spark, no momentum can be created, and no change can be affected. Someone has to be that spark, why not us?
I particularly appreciate the quote from Abraham-Hicks, which I'd never seen before. This is another concept I ponder... what if all in this life is not as it may seem? What if we as humans are more powerful than we know, to create reality around us? Science can measure the electromagnetic waves which eminate from our brains... what if these waves of thought actually have some real influence on what we draw toward ourselves? What if conscious thoughtform creates energy which cannot be seen with the physical eye, but which is no less real?
Does it seem as though people who complain and gripe tend to have their fears and concerns validated regularly because bad things actually do happen to them more often than average? What if we knew that our anxiety over negative outcomes, actually increases the probability of them occuring? What if we knew the converse were also true?
Blessed is that human who can walk peacefully into the unknown, trusting that sustainance will be provided every step, knowing the path will be laid at their feet by the power of their own conscious thoughtform working in tandem with something much bigger. Blessed is that human, indeed. Many are awakening to this potential as we speak.
Love beyond,