This Week at GenderEvolve...

Happy Friday Beautiful Ladies!
I have been most uplifted by the lovely emails that have been flowing among my GenderEvolve sisters this week. As most of the communication has taken place in our private domain at yahoo, I would like to give a public overview of the topics brewing behind the scenes, and invite my contributing sisters to post their material publicly, here on the GenderEvolve blogsite.

I am proud that my GenderEvolve sisters recognized and discussed the International Women's Day on March 8th. I believe that transwomen can and should celebrate womanhood, including treating themselves as women, aligning with other women, and developing solidarity in femininity. This means recognizing women's issues, supporting women's causes, pondering femininism, and seeking ways to make a better world for women. Continue to do this, and over time genwomen will begin to recognize transwomen in a whole new light... one of peace, sisterhood and unity.

I am delighted that one of our newest GE sisters, Sweet, a genetic female, took the initiative to send a letter to the United Nations requesting an International Transgender Day. She demonstrated willingness to take affirmative action for positive change, not just by talking about what "should" be done, but by taking tangible measures toward the goal. Sweet's letter will be posted on GenderEvolve, as an example of what we should all be doing. There is every good reason to have an International Transgender Day, and if we all start sending letters, our voices in unison grow ever stronger. We can change the world, yet it has to be done by a group working together, like us. Let's make it happen!

I am inspired that the other of our newest GE sisters, Monica, a beautiful young TS female, is a leading supporter of the Mexican Transsexual Movement (MTM). She contributed a powerful report on the status of the MTM, discussing the needed reforms to the Mexican health care system and social environment. Her report will be available to the public on GenderEvolve in the near future.

Another of our lovely GE sisters, Felicia, posted a fascinating article relating to the lifespan development and aging of transgendered people. She delved into the psychological motivations and needs of transwomen in regard to accelerated lifestages and maturity, and described her discussions with others trans and gen women on this topic. Felicia's article gives meaningful insights on issues relevant to the majority of transwomen, and will be posted publicly soon.

Please stay tuned, as these articles will be available in the near future on GenderEvolve.

Love & Light,
Michele Angelique


Anonymous said…
I congratulate myself, as part of the feminine gender, and every other woman in the world on the International Women´s Day (March 8th).

And at the same time, I´m showing my adherence to the cause of promoting an International TG Day, so we can be honored as truly gifted individuals that we are. As a matter of fact, we can publish a letter on our website, so every tg girl and our friends, lovers, and partners in the world can add their names to the petition to the United Nations.

I´m of the idea that if we are to face men dominance in this world, we must do it with our own values, the Word (understanding and communication) being a unique way to reach to others.

But our feminine values also encompasses life and energy nurturing forces, such as: love and compassion, creativity and spirituality, intuition and caring.

These are our best resources.

Felicidades girls!
Moni :)

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