Is this you?
(by Marlena Dahlstrom) I ran across this article (don't worry it's short) that argues cross-dressers typically share the following traits: Intelligent Creating and making things Intellectual Curiosity and Eclecticism Collectors/Hobbyists/Tinkerers Perfectionism Dreamers/Enjoy flights of fancy Loners (although I suspect this varies depending on how introverted/extroverted you are) which the author, a CD herself, argues typically has made CDs feel "different" from others and a bit of an outsider even before they put on the dress. It was freakily accurate in describing me. So I posted it as a poll over a where the (admittedly self-selected and unscientific) concensus is that it descibes people very well to generally well -- no one so far has thought it didn't really describe them. Interesting one FTM CD also thought it described extremely well, so we're going to post the poll in the FTM section to see if there's similar results. So what do...